A selection of policies are available here. All policies are available to read at preschool. Copies can be provided upon request.

Information and records

Wroughton Preschool Privacy Notice

Parental involvement

Progress check at age 2

Charging policy

Child Protection
Children rights and entitlements

Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy 2023-2024

Looked after children

Uncollected child

Missing child

Mobile Phone & Mobile Technology Device Policy

Social Networking

Escalation Policy

Camera and Image Policy

ICT Misuse Policy

Internet Policy

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

E-Safety Policy

Statement on Wroughton PreSchools Child Protection Responsibilities

Incapacitated parent


Equal opportunities

Supporting children with special needs

Valuing diversity and promoting inclusion and equality


Administering Medicines

Food and drink

Intimate Care

Managing children with allergies or who are sick or infectious

Oral health

Recording and reporting accidents

Sleep and rest times

Infection Control

Key Person

Role of the key person 2024

Managing behaviour

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment


Maintaining children’s safety and security

Supervision of children on outings

Emergency Closure Procedure

Coronavirus outbreak policy

No smoking

Lockdown Policy

Breastfeeding Welcome Setting Policy

Notifiable incident non child protection

Wroughton Preschool Privacy Notice

Parental involvement

Staff qualifications, training, support and skills

Babysitting policy